22 Panel Mega Cup
SERENITY MULTI DRUG DOA CUP: 22 Panel Drug Test Mega Cup, XYL(Xylazine)/1000, ZAZA/500, Delta 8/25, TRA/100, KET/1000, K2/50, FEN/20, ETG/300, KRAT/500 & 3 Adulterations ADLTX (Specific Gravity, pH, and Creatinine), AMP/1000, BAR/300, BUP/10, BZO/300, COC/300, MDMA/500, MET/1000, MTD/300, OPI/300, OXY/100, PCP/25, THC/50
How to Use a 22 Panel Test Cup?
Step 1:
Firstly, Remove Drug Test cup from its pouch
Step 2:
Secondly, Write donors information on the cup
Step 3:
Thirdly, Collect Urine Sample
Step 4:
After that, Close the lid securely
Step 5:
Then, Remove the label from Test cup
Step 6:
Now, Wait 5 mins for Results
Step 7:
Finally, Read the results
Step 8:
At last, How to interpret the results
How to Read a 22 Panel Test Cup?
However, Only one colored band appears, in the control region ©. Similarly, no apparent colored band appears in the test region (T)
Moreover, two colored bands appear on the membrane. One brand appears in the control regions © and another band appears in the test region (T).
Also, control band fails to appear. As a result from any test which has not produced a control band at the specified read time must be discarded. Please review the procedure similarly and repeat with a new test. However, if the problems persist, discontinue using the kit immediately and contact your local distributor.
How To Use 14 Panel Drug Test ?
Use the urine drug test cup as soon as possible after removing it from the sealed packet.
Examine where the green dot emerges after 2-4 minutes to confirm the temperature of the material. A green dot will appear on the relevant temperature line.
Remove the label when you're ready to understand the results. The results of the tests should be available in 5 minutes. Do not evaluate the result after 8 minutes.
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